All the useful data you need with no sampling and no cookies

Get real analytics showing 100% of the user activity on your service, showing you the facts you need
No analytics cookies mean no need for annoying GDPR pop-ups
All data automatically stored server-side in the UK
At-a-glance key metrics dashboard
Get dashboards for your services in both QA and Production
User journey completions per hour and day
Page hits/fails per hour and day
Bounce/drop-off/completion rate
Drop-off page breakdown
Time-on-page breakdown
Top validation fail fields
Device type breakdown
Browser type breakdown
Complies with privacy legislation
Govforms Reviewer reports
Use Govforms to search and download user-submitted data, pull data from our API, or send it to your SharePoint site.
View, filter and search submitted data.
Export user data to Microsoft Excel, CSV or PDF to be processed by your team.

Charting and tagging

Select time ranges and zoom into charts showing how users have used your service over time
Get a breakdown of completed journeys vs drop-offs compared over any period
Tag radio lists, checkbox, drop-down or button choice fields for analytics tracking to view a breakdown of which choices your users are making in their journey through your service